Churchdown Ukulele Club

Churchdown Ukulele Club


We meet on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Smile: You're playing ukulele !

Smile: You're playing ukulele !

Message To Members


    • Winter Flu and Covid is still very much around so keeping everyone safe is our utmost priority.
    • If you are feeling a little unwell or have a flu symptons then please think of others and not come along until your symptoms have gone.

    Churchdown Ukulele Club


    ** The Green Room**

    Churchdown Community Centre

    Parton Road,


    GL3 2JH

    Wednesdays 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm


    Playing the ukulele is all about having fun. Churchdown Ukulele Club comprises a group of friendly and enthusiastic ukulele players who will always welcome new members.

    Join in and learn to play and sing songs from all eras for an enjoyable experience. Players of all abilities are welcome.

    Come and join us for an afternoon of self generated entertainment. All for a charge of £2 each session.

    Further details and information can be obtained by making an enquiry using the link below.


    ENQUIRIES - Please use the Enqiries tab on the menu.

John Payton
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